Andrea Putting: Beyond Profit
According to Simon Sinek in his book “Start with Why”, “Trust begins to emerge when we have a sense that another person or organisation is driven by things other than their own self-gain.”
If a business appears to be only interested in their profit and for themselves, then we don’t really like dealing with them to much, do we? We get to the point that we prefer to go elsewhere, so it’s really important for us to be clear on what else it is we stand for.
Beyond Business
I believe that when anyone goes in to business, while making money is obviously important, their reasons for going into business are something beyond the money. They want to do something that is of value to other people. Of course, then, what happens is that we get lost along the way with trying to get a business going and the day to day running. But it’s really important for us to get back to that core of what it is that inspired us to start the business in the first place.
For some people, depending on where your business is, you might be ready to go beyond the profit, and you may ask “What now? What can we do now to create a new sense of trust in the community? What can we do now that will benefit society in a bigger way? What is our greater purpose that we are being led to that really has nothing to do with the bottom line as far as profit goes?”
Beyond Ourselves
I whole heartedly believe that this is what people crave to do; To do something beyond themselves and to be of service to the greater community. We all want to make a difference. We want to feel that our lives have somehow been worthwhile and that something we have done will be meaningful to someone. It is an essential part of our being that gives us fulfilment and a sense of purpose in life. In fact, brain scans show that what is as pleasurable as sex is being altruistic. We are hard wired to do this something of greater meaning in our lives.
When we can incorporate this in to our business something starts to happen. Employees feel they are making a difference and enjoy their work more, business owners get to live their legacy, today, and customers feel good about supporting a business that cares. Everyone wins.
A business who focuses beyond profit creates loyalty from both employees and consumers.
Give it some thought.
• What do you do to create trust in your business for all levels of stakeholders?
• What is it you’d really like to achieve that may be outside of the normal business realm of achievement and profit?
• What is it that you can give back to society?
By Andrea Putting
Andrea Putting is an Author, Speaker, Business Soul Mentor and Social Mission Revolutionist and through her keynote speeches, book, programs and podcast, she inspires businesses to create co-creative communities and adopt a social mission. While the cause is serving humanity and environment, the effect is growing leaders and visionary teamship that strengthens business, grows a community within the workplace and inspires consumers who want to support businesses that care.
Andrea’s podcast, highlights inspirational people and businesses who are making their Ultimate Impact on the world through Social Mission.