Social Mission Revolution
Imagine getting to 70 and saying “For the first time I feel like I’m making a contribution.” This is what a friend recently said to me. Only now with a focus on charity work that he is finding that deep sense of fulfillment that we all long for.
Why do we wait so long?
What if we could make our businesses, our daily work, a source of fulfillment?
We get busy with the day to day running of business, and that passionate sense of calling gets lost along the way. If the people at the top aren’t feeling it, you can’t expect the employees to be feeling it. So, it isn’t any wonder that 85% of employees across the world are disinterested and disengaged in the workplace, which leads to 7 out of 10 businesses aren’t reaching their highest potential.
Voting with Their Wallets
The changing face of consumerism can help give us a direction. Consumers are voting with their wallets. The rise of B-Corporations is a prime example. People are demanding much more of the products they buy and the companies that produce them. In fact, a study conducted by research firm McCrindle on behalf of Fairtrade Australia and New Zealand, found eight in ten shoppers would be more likely to purchase a product that supports someone in need over one that did not have a charitable aspect.
We can see evidence in this in companies such as “Thank You” a company that directs all of its funds into charitable avenues. Here is a business model built around that deep-down desire we all have to make a difference. Seeing that there was a worldwide need to for clean fresh water and that Australian’s were buying bottled water by the truck load. A perfect idea was born by putting the 2 together and the Thank You business was embraced by the consumer.
If I’m going to buy a product and the choice is there to buy one with a social conscious, then of course that is the one I’m going to buy.
I started to question, “how, as a business do, we find that spark and fulfil the longing for something greater within ourselves that supports all stakeholders – business, management, employees, consumers, society and environment?”
Beyond the Why
A business takes on a life of its own, and develops its own calling. To discover this, we need to let go of all of our own agendas, of all that seems logical and our personal sense of why, then allow it to take us to what I call, “beyond the why,” where we can Awaken the Soul of Business. Here we can discover something far greater than we could ever imagine that will ignite passion amongst employees and consumers. Here new visions, inspirations and innovations will unfold and you will create an enduring legacy.
This is where the Social Mission Revolution comes alive. While there is plenty of evidence that businesses with a social conscious and mission are more productive and profitable, if it is taken up with this agenda, it is not likely to be successful. Having a social mission needs to be at the very heart and soul of the business. It comes from this deep longing within each one of us to do something meaningful in our lives: to make a difference and leave a legacy.
Listening to the Future
Finding what the business is being called to stand up for will evolve from listening to the unfolding future. When people come together with intention, start to share their stories and concerns, images emerge of what is the direction to follow. Of course, there are many possibilities. What is required is a process of deep listening, to each other, to the community and to what wants to emerge.
When you refocus your business on to how it can have its ultimate impact on the world, a new energy starts to emerge with greater purpose, passion and direction. It will then awaken to a new world: a world in which the business is embraced, not just as a business, but as a major influence on the world. It creates a legacy.
What is the legacy you want to create in your business?
By Andrea Putting
Andrea Putting is an Author, Speaker, Business Soul Mentor and Social Mission Revolutionist and through her keynote speeches, book, programs and podcast, she inspires businesses to create co-creative communities and adopt a social mission. While the cause is serving humanity and environment, the effect is growing leaders and visionary teamship that strengthens business, grows a community within the workplace and inspires consumers who want to support businesses that care.
Andrea’s podcast, highlights inspirational people and businesses who are making their Ultimate Impact on the world through Social Mission.